Festival of St. John

The Festival of Saint John: A Celebration of Light and Brotherhood in Freemasonry The Festival of Saint John is a significant event in the Masonic calendar, observed with reverence and enthusiasm by Freemasons around the world. This festival, celebrated twice a year, honors Saint John the Baptist on June 24th and Saint John the Evangelist

The Festival of Saint John: A Celebration of Light and Brotherhood in Freemasonry

The Festival of Saint John is a significant event in the Masonic calendar, observed with reverence and enthusiasm by Freemasons around the world. This festival, celebrated twice a year, honors Saint John the Baptist on June 24th and Saint John the Evangelist on December 27th. Both saints hold special significance within Freemasonry, symbolizing the balance of opposites and the pursuit of enlightenment.

Historical Significance

The association of the two Saint Johns with Freemasonry dates back to the early days of the fraternity. Saint John the Baptist is seen as a symbol of morality and righteousness, heralding the light that dispels darkness. His feast day, coinciding with the summer solstice, represents the height of light and is a time for Masons to reflect on their own moral compass.

Saint John the Evangelist, celebrated around the winter solstice, signifies the triumph of light over darkness, wisdom over ignorance. As the author of the Gospel that begins with “In the beginning was the Word,” he represents the pursuit of knowledge and the spreading of enlightenment, a core Masonic principle.

Masonic Celebrations

Masonic lodges worldwide commemorate the festivals with various ceremonies, rituals, and gatherings. These celebrations are marked by a spirit of brotherhood, reflection, and renewal of Masonic vows.

Saint John the Baptist’s Day (June 24th): On this day, Masons often gather for festive banquets, parades, and special lodge meetings. The ceremonies focus on themes of renewal and purification, aligning with the summer solstice’s symbolism of light and growth. It is a time for Masons to recommit to their ethical principles and the betterment of themselves and their communities.

Saint John the Evangelist’s Day (December 27th): Celebrations during this period are characterized by introspection and the contemplation of wisdom. Lodges may hold candlelight ceremonies to symbolize the return of light after the longest night of the year. This festival encourages Masons to seek knowledge, both in their personal lives and within their Masonic journey, and to share that wisdom with others.

Symbolism and Ritual

The dual celebration of the two Saints John encapsulates the Masonic belief in balance and duality. Just as the sun reaches its peak and lowest point during the solstices, Masons are reminded of the cycles of life, the importance of inner balance, and the perpetual quest for truth and enlightenment.

Rituals during these festivals often include readings from Masonic texts, the lighting of symbolic candles, and the reaffirmation of Masonic obligations. These acts serve to reinforce the connection between individual Masons and the broader fraternity, highlighting the timeless values that unite them.

Community and Charity

In addition to the internal rituals, the Festivals of Saint John also emphasize the Masonic commitment to charity and community service. Many lodges use these occasions to organize charitable activities, such as fundraising events, food drives, and community outreach programs. This outward expression of Masonic values underscores the fraternity’s dedication to making a positive impact on society.

Still celebrated today

The Festival of Saint John, with its rich history and profound symbolism, is a cornerstone of Masonic tradition. By honoring Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist, Freemasons celebrate the principles of morality, wisdom, and enlightenment. These festivals are more than mere commemorations; they are opportunities for Masons to renew their commitment to personal growth, brotherhood, and the betterment of humanity. As such, the Festivals of Saint John continue to be cherished and celebrated by Masons across the globe, shining a light on the enduring values of Freemasonry.

Article by Bro. Weston Leonard