Brotherhood / Integrity / Enlightenment

About Us

King Lodge No. 461, a distinguished Masonic lodge located in Bristol, Tennessee, received its charter from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee on November 9, 1874. The lodge was named in honor of Rev. James King, a dedicated Mason and former owner of the land where downtown Bristol now stands. King Lodge has been a cornerstone of the Bristol community, providing a place of fellowship and service for its members.

The current lodge building was completed and dedicated in 1932.

Original location of lodge

The lodge’s early meetings were likely held in various locations until about 1881 when Joseph R. Anderson, another prominent figure in Bristol’s history, constructed a three-story brick building at 410-12 Main Street (now State Street).The third floor of this building served as the home of King Lodge for approximately 42 years.

Current Lodge Building History

In 1939, King Lodge began the construction of its current building on the site of the first jail in Bristol, Tennessee. The lot was purchased from Ben L. Dulaney, a prominent local citizen. The new temple was dedicated on May 23, 1940, and has since served as the home for several Masonic-related groups, continuing the lodge’s tradition of community and fraternity.

Educational Resources and Curriculum Integration

King Lodge is steeped in history.  Prominent community leaders have joined its ranks over the years. From its founding in the late 19th century to its modern-day presence, the lodge has been a beacon of Masonic values and community service. The lodge’s story is a testament to the enduring nature of Masonic brotherhood and the deep roots it has in the fabric of Bristol’s history.

Active and growing membership

Our lodge is one of the largest in East Tennessee and at one point in its history was the largest in the state.  Membership overall has been in decline for masonry over the past decade, however a resurgence in interest has caused our lodge to begin grow.  2B1ASK1

Elected or appointed by the lodge annually

2025 Lodge Officers

David Smith
Worshipful Master
Billy Rivers, Jr.
Senior Warden
Earlston DesChamps
Junior Warden
Clarence Crump
Bill Caffey
Weston Leonard
Jeremy Kinnick
Senior Deacon
Jim Pepper
Junior Deacon
David Williams
Senior Steward
Brian rose
Junior Steward
Lee Hoffnung

King Lodge No. 461, a distinguished Masonic lodge located in Bristol, Tennessee, received its charter from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee on November 9, 1874.