Tonight, at King Lodge No. 461 in Bristol, TN, we gathered for a deeply meaningful Entered Apprentice (EA) degree. It was a solemn occasion for our lodge, as our hearts were heavy from the tragedy that struck our neighboring communities this past weekend, affecting some of our brothers directly. Despite the somber mood, the bond of brotherhood prevailed, as we united in fellowship and ritual to welcome a new member into the Craft.


Recognizing the need to help those impacted by the tragedy, our lodge has taken action. We are actively collecting much-needed items to deliver to a fellow lodge in the affected area, demonstrating the compassion and solidarity that defines Freemasonry. We are working diligently to ensure we provide whatever assistance is necessary in the coming days.

Before the degree began, we gathered for a meal that provided much more than sustenance; it allowed us to share a moment of camaraderie and reflection. As the degree commenced, the room was filled with a sense of history and tradition, particularly for the newly made Entered Apprentice, for whom Masonry is truly a family legacy. His journey to this point has been months in the making, and tonight marked the beginning of his formal Masonic path—a journey many in his family have taken before him. With his grandfather, great-grandfather, uncles, and extended family being Freemasons, he was proud to take his first step in following their footsteps.

Our lodge had the pleasure of hosting a visiting brother from Cumberland Valley Lodge No. 751 in Kentucky, Brother Bruce Osbourne, which added to the special atmosphere of the evening. With 21 brethren in attendance and three lodges represented, the diversity of Masonic presence underscored the unity and fellowship that our Craft encourages.

During the ceremony, our Chaplain read a poignant passage from Matthew 10:11-16. The message resonated deeply with the brethren, fitting beautifully into the solemnity of the degree and reminding us all of the importance of brotherhood, service, and integrity.

The passage from Matthew 10:11-16, read by our Chaplain during the Entered Apprentice degree, held profound significance for the evening. In these verses, Christ instructs his disciples as they set out on their journeys, telling them to enter a house in peace and stay where they are welcomed. Similarly, Freemasonry calls on its members to enter with humility and openness, embracing the teachings and fellowship offered by the Craft.

Just as the disciples were to leave a place that did not welcome them, Freemasons are encouraged to walk the path of integrity, seeking out and surrounding themselves with those who share in the principles of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. This powerful scripture aligns perfectly with the initiation of a new brother, who is beginning his Masonic journey with open eyes and a receptive heart, welcomed into a family that has embraced these values for generations.

In this degree, the message of Matthew 10:11-16 served as a reminder to both our newly made brother and all those present that Freemasonry is not just a fraternity but a way of life, one that guides us to seek out peace, righteousness, and the bonds of true brotherhood.

As we reflect on tonight’s events, we are reminded of the power of Masonry to unite us, even in challenging times. We look forward to continuing our support for those in need and to guiding our newly made Entered Apprentice on his journey through the Craft.

If you’ve ever been curious about Freemasonry or are interested in joining a brotherhood rooted in tradition, fellowship, and service, we invite you to reach out to us. Masonry is a journey of self-improvement, and it begins with a simple step: to be one, ask one. Contact King Lodge No. 461 to learn more about how you can start your own Masonic journey and become a part of something greater. We look forward to welcoming you.

Article by 

Brother Weston Leonard
