Master Mason Degree Ceremony: Honoring Tradition and Brotherhood

On Thursday, September 12th, 2024, the brethren of King Lodge No. 461 gathered for a momentous occasion—the raising of Bro. Mason Blane Baker to the degree of Master Mason. The ceremony, steeped in tradition and Masonic ritual, was attended by members from six different lodges with a total of 25 masons present, including three 50-Year Masons. It was an evening that not only exemplified the beauty of our craft but also celebrated the unity of Freemasonry.


The evening began with devotions led by our Chaplain, Bro. Robert Streeter, who shared a passage from Matthew 10:11-15, reminding us of our duty to bring peace and goodwill wherever we may go. Bro. Baker was then brought into the lodge and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in due and ancient form.


The ceremony was conducted with excellence, with our Worshipful Master, Bro. Justin Plaster, and a skilled degree team ensuring that every aspect of the ritual was carried out with precision and respect. Each officer played a vital role in the success of the evening, from Bro. Billy Rivers Jr. serving as Junior Warden to Bro. Lee Hoffnung acting as Tiler.


The evening also featured the recognition of three distinguished 50-Year Masons: Bro. Frank Galloway, Bro. Jim Pepper, and Bro. Dennis Cornwell. Their presence was a powerful reminder of the long-lasting bonds we share as Masons and the impact that decades of commitment to the craft can have on our lodges and communities.


In closing, we thank all those who attended and contributed to making this a memorable and successful evening. The raising of a Master Mason is a significant event in the life of our lodge, and we look forward to the continued growth and development of Bro. Baker as he embarks on the next stage of his Masonic journey.


If you are interested in learning more about Freemasonry and starting your own journey with King Lodge No. 461, we invite you to contact us. Freemasonry offers an opportunity for personal growth, fellowship, and the chance to be part of something greater. We welcome you to take the first step in your journey with us.



Article by 

Bro. Weston Leonard 

Secretary, King Lodge No. 461

A Message from the Chaplain: The Master Mason Degree and Our Calling

As we conferred the sublime Master Mason degree last night, I am reminded of the words from Matthew 10:11-15:

“Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. As you enter the home, give it your greeting. If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.”

In this passage, Jesus instructs His disciples to seek those who are worthy and to bring peace to their homes. Similarly, the journey of a Master Mason reflects this idea of seeking light and truth among our brethren. As Masons, we are taught to recognize the worthiness of those around us, and as we progress through the degrees, we are called to uphold the principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth.


The Master Mason degree reminds us that not all paths are easy, nor are they free from obstacles. But like the disciples, we must carry our peace with us, extending a hand to those willing to receive it and embodying the virtues of our Craft.


Let us approach this degree with humility, understanding the importance of our role in building peace, harmony, and fellowship within the lodge and beyond. As we enter into this work, may the Great Architect of the Universe guide us in our duty to each other and to the world.


Bro. Robert Streeter
Chaplain, King Lodge No. 461